隐私 政策

使用本网站即表示您同意本私隐政策, LLC and Hood Equipment Co. and Dealer Spike Opco, LLC. Protecting your private information is our priority and we are committed to safeguarding your privacy online. This 隐私 政策 explains what personal information we may collect about you through our website, when we collect it, how we may 使用 it, who we may disclose it to, and is intended to help you understand the terms and conditions surrounding the collection and 使用 of your data.

Personal Information We Collect


We may collect information that identifies, 涉及到, 描述了, 参考文献, is capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, to you ("Personal Information"). 特别是, our website has collected the following categories of Personal Information within the last twelve (12) months:

Categories of Personal Information

Types of Personal Information Collected

A. 标识符

名字, telephone number, postal address, e-mail address, social security number, 出生日期, 帐户名称, IP地址, 或您自愿提供的用于启动购买交易或选择接收我们未来通信的其他信息.

B. Personal information that identifies, 涉及到, 描述了, or is capable of being associated with, a particular individual, 包括, but not limited to, his or her name, 签名, social security number, physical characteristics or description, address, telephone number, passport number, 驾驶执照或州身份证号码, insurance policy number, 教育, 就业, 就业 history, bank account number, credit card number, debit card number, or any other financial information.

名字, address, telephone number, physical address, 邮政编码, 电子邮件地址, 公司名称, credit card number, 收入, or other financial information you may provide to obtain a quote or complete a purchase transaction.

C. Commercial information

Housing information, products or services purchased, 购买和消费的历史或趋势.

D. 互联网或其他类似的网络活动

Type and version of browser, service provider, device identification information, 您可能使用的任何搜索引擎或其他参考网站来定位我们的网站, 以及有关您与网站互动的信息, 应用程序, or advertisements.

E. Geolocation data.


F. 专业或就业相关信息.


G. 从其他个人信息中得出的推论.

有关您与本网站互动的信息, 应用程序, or advertisements; browsing history

How Your Personal Information Is Collected

We collect Personal Information that you voluntarily give or has been given through some other direct contact from you. When you access our website, 我们也可能被动或自动收集与您访问我们网站的方式以及您在使用我们网站时查看的内容有关的其他个人信息和非个人身份信息, 例如, via cookies on our website.

Requests for Unit Quotes

If you request a unit price quote, 您可能会被要求提供个人信息,如您的姓名, address, telephone number, 邮政编码, 电子邮件地址和其他与期望单位购买相关的交易信息. Your Personal Information may be 使用d to contact you with the requested quote or to request additional information. While not required, 您可以自愿提供财务信息,以便确定符合您所要求的单元报价或您的融资资格预审参数的单元, 如果感兴趣.

Online Unit Orders

If you submit an online unit order, 您将被要求提供个人信息以完成购买交易. This information includes your name, 电子邮件地址, shipping address as well as financial information to facilitate payment for the transaction and for billing purposes. 如果您的在线单位订单没有正确处理, 您的个人信息可能用于与您联系以完成交易. 来处理一个购买交易, 为了获得金融贷款机构的批准,我们可能需要用从第三方获得的信息补充您提供的信息. 您的个人信息也可能与第三方共享,以协助完成购买交易,例如运输公司(例如.e.(UPS, USPS,联邦快递)和信用卡处理公司. These third-party companies do not, to our knowledge, 保留, 分享, 商店, or 使用 Personal Information for any secondary purposes outside of the purpose of providing the required services.

Monthly Payment Calculations

如果你使用数字零售工具来计算你估计的月供, 您不需要提供个人信息,除非您决定与经销商联系以获取有关您感兴趣的产品的其他信息. If you decide to contact the dealer, you will be asked to provide your name, 电子邮件地址, shipping address and phone number. 您的个人信息将用于就您的查询与您联系.


We 使用 IP地址es to analyze trends, administer the site, track 使用r's movement, 并收集广泛的人口统计和地理信息以供汇总使用. IP地址es are only linked to Personal Information if you submit a form requesting additional information.

Surveys and Contests

From time to time, 本网站可能提供竞赛或通过调查向您索取信息,以研究您对当前服务或可能提供的新服务的意见. 参加这些调查或竞赛完全是自愿的,您没有义务披露所要求的个人信息,如您的姓名, 电子邮件地址, mailing address, or demographic information (i.e., age, 邮政编码). If you elect to participate in a contest, 所提供的联络资料只会用于通知得奖者及颁发奖品. Survey information will only be 使用d for purposes of monitoring or improving the 使用 and satisfaction of this website.

Use of Your Personal Information

We may 使用 or disclose the Personal Information we collect for one or more of the following business purposes:

Use of Cookies

我们的网站可能会使用“cookies”来帮助您个性化您的在线体验. cookie是网页服务器放在你硬盘上的文本文件. cookie不能用于运行程序或向您的计算机发送病毒. Cookies are uniquely assigned to you and can only be read by a web server in the domain that issued the cookie to you.

Cookies can be 使用d for various purposes such as to detect whether your device has accessed a particular online service before. We 使用 cookies on pages to make your visit to our website more enjoyable and to enable the 使用 of certain functions, 包括识别以前在您的设备上看过的单元的能力.


我们不会向第三方出售、出租或出租我们的客户名单. 我们可能会与以下各方分享您的个人信息:

In the preceding twelve (12) months, 我们出于商业目的披露了以下类别的个人信息:

If we are required to do so by law, 或者真诚地相信这样的行动是必要的, 我们将披露您的个人信息, without notice, to: (a) conform to the edicts of the law or comply with legal process served on our company or the website; (b) protect and defend the rights or property of our company; and (c) act under exigent circumstances to protect the personal safety of 用户 of our website, 或者公众.

Data Retention

我们将从您那里收集到的个人信息保留一段必要的时间,以实现本隐私政策中概述的目的(例如, 向您提供您所要求的服务或遵守适用的法律, tax or accounting requirements), 除非法律要求或允许更长的保留期限.

Access to Third Party Websites

本网站可能包含指向其他网站的链接. 请注意,我们不负责此类其他网站的隐私做法. We encourage our 用户 to read the privacy statements of every website that collects personally identifiable information. 本隐私声明仅适用于本网站收集的信息.


我们采取预防措施保护您的信息. 当您通过我们的网站提交敏感信息时, 您的信息无论在线还是离线都受到保护. Whenever we collect sensitive information, 这些信息是加密的,并以安全的方式传输给我们. 我们不会在您自愿填写以表明您对某个单位或服务感兴趣的在线表格中收集敏感的个人信息. The computers and servers in which we 商店 Personal Information are kept in a secure environment.

Children Under Thirteen

我们认为保护儿童的网络隐私尤为重要. 我们不会故意收集13岁以下儿童的个人信息, regardless of the source. 我们也不会出于任何目的与任何第三方共享13岁以下网站访问者的任何个人信息. If you are under the age of thirteen, 您必须征得您的父母或监护人的同意才能使用本网站.

隐私 Notice for California Residents

This 隐私 Notice for California Residents supplements and is expressly made part of the information contained in the 隐私 政策 and applies solely to all visitors, 用户, 以及其他居住在加利福尼亚州的人(“消费者”或“您”). 我们采用本通知是为了遵守《世界杯2022买球软件》, 经《世界杯2022买球软件》(CCPA)修订. CCPA中所定义的任何术语在本公告中使用时具有相同的含义.

根据CCPA,我们必须披露我们是否出售个人信息. We do not sell Personal Information, 但我们可能会与第三方共享个人信息,或允许他们从我们的网站或服务收集个人信息,如果这些第三方是授权服务提供商或业务合作伙伴,并同意我们对其保留的合同限制, 使用, 以及该等个人信息的披露, 或者您指示我们向第三方披露您的个人信息.


Please note that we are not required to:

与我们可能共享的任何个人信息有关, 或出于商业目的向第三方披露, 您有权知道我们:

根据CCPA和某些其他隐私和数据保护法律, 是适用的, 您有权选择不出售或共享您的个人信息,也有权选择不使用或披露您的敏感个人信息. If you exercise your right to opt-out, we will refrain from selling or 分享 your Personal Information or disclosing your sensitive Personal Information, 除非您随后为销售提供明确授权, 分享, or disclosure of your Personal Information. 如欲选择不披露您的个人资料,请透过电邮联络我们 support@dealerspike.com 或者使用 Consumer 隐私 Form.

Subject to certain exceptions set out below, on receipt of a verifiable request from you, we will:

California consumers may visit the site listed below to request to view the Personal Information that has been collected. 您也可以要求更正您的个人信息或要求我们删除已收集的任何个人信息. 此类请求可通过使用 Consumer 隐私 Form. It's important to note that under the CCPA, you may only make a data access or data portability disclosure request twice within a twelve (12) month period.

You have the right to not be discriminated against by us beca使用 you exercised any of your rights under the CCPA. 结果是, 我们不会因您行使这些权利而拒绝向您提供商品或服务, 对行使这些权利的商品或服务收取不同的价格, 为行使这些权利提供不同水平或质量的商品或服务, or even suggest you'll receive a different price or a different level or quality of goods or services for exercising these rights. 然而, we may offer you certain financial incentives permitted by the CCPA that can result in different prices, 利率, or quality levels. 我们提供的任何ccpa允许的财务激励将合理地与您的个人信息的价值相关,并包含描述该计划实质性方面的书面条款. 参与财务激励计划需要您事先选择同意, which you may revoke at any time.

选择退出 & 退订

We respect your privacy and give you an opportunity to opt-out of receiving announcements of certain information at any time. 用户可以通过以下电子邮件与我们联系,选择不接收我们的营销通讯 support@dealerspike.com. Users may also unsubscribe from newsletters by using the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the newsletter.

Accessing this Website

本网站的服务器位于美国. 因此,您的连接将通过并连接到位于美国的服务器. 您在访问期间提供的任何个人信息将在我们位于美国的web服务器和其他内部系统上进行处理和维护. By using this website, 您同意收集和使用您的匿名数据, Personal Information, 和/或以分析和/或广告为目的的表单提交.

Updates to this 隐私 政策

我们保留更改和更新本隐私政策的权利. 这些变化将在适当的时候及时进行. We encourage you to examine our 隐私 政策 from time to time to ensure you are aware of any changes we may have made. Your continued 使用 of our website following an 更新 to the 隐私 政策 indicates your agreement to the same.


If your Personal Information changes (i.e., 电子邮件地址, mailing address), 或者如果您不再希望收到我们的信息, we will endeavor to correct, 更新, 或从我们的记录中删除您的个人信息. 如果您对本隐私政策有任何疑问或意见, 我们收集和使用您的信息的方式如上所述, your choices and rights regarding such 使用, please do not hesitate to contact us at support@dealerspike.com.

如果您希望行使您在CCPA下的权利,请使用 Consumer 隐私 Form.

如果我们无法验证您的身份,或者无法验证提出请求的人就是我们收集信息的人, 我们没有义务披露数据访问或数据可移植性.


Last Updated: December 31, 2022